AutoStaffNow Your full service automotive employment agency for automotive jobs
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Technician Online Application

Everything we do is Confidential

This is a Confidential Employment Application for use by AutoStaffNow, LLC only. Complete this application only if you are serious about conducting a job search within our service area. Be specific, include all employers in the past 8 years. It's better to give more details then too little information. There is an area to paste your resume info at the end of this form (optional).

Note: Do not hit enter! Please click on Submit or Reset when you have finished your input.

Contact Info

Fields in Bold are required  

E-Mail address:

Last Name:

First Name:

Middle Initial:

Home Address:




Zip Code:

Home Phone Number:

Pager Number:

Cellular Number:

Work Number:


Geographical area you are interested in:

How did you hear about AutoStaffNow:

Preferred Hourly Rate:

Pay Preference:

Your Income Last Year:

Are there any limitations on the hours you will work?

Please explain:

Are you a High School graduate? (includes GED)

Did you attend a Jr. College, Community College, Vocational or Trade School:

Did you complete the program:

Name of Program:

Are you a College Graduate:

What College or University:

What Degree:

What other education, training, seminars etc. do you have? Give Details.

Do you have a valid drivers license:

Have you had a DUI within the past 5 years:

Do you have any moving violations over the past 5 years:

If yes, explain:

Do you smoke:

Do you object to drug testing:

Do you object to aptitude or skills testing:

Do you have any trips or vacations planned in the near future:

If yes - Dates/explain:

Do you have a current resume:

Will you:

Hand Deliver to us:


Value of Tools (including box)

ASE Certifications:

(Check those that you currently have)


Master ASE Technician
Engine Repair
Automatic Transmission / Transaxle
Manual Drive Train and Axles
Suspension and Steering
Electrical / Electronic Systems
Heating and Air Conditioning
Engine Performance

L1 (Advanced Drivability)
Emissions License
IM A/C Licensed

Autobody (check all that apply)

Painting / Refinishing
Non Structural Analysis & Damage Repair
Structural Analyses And Estimating
Mechanical and Electrical Components
Damage Analysis and Estimating

Employer Preference:

Independent Shop

Preference (check all that apply)

All cars
Import Cars
Domestic Cars
German Cars
Japanese Cars
Light Trucks
Heavy Trucks
Heavy Equipment

Specific Brand (s)

Area (s) of expertise (check all that apply)

Brakes & Suspension
General Line
Bumper to Bumper
Heavy Duty
Lube Tech
Auto Body Tech
Motorcycles / Snowmobiles


Previous Employment History

We need at least 8 years of prior employment - no gaps - please give lots of details!

1. Current or Last Employer



Position (s) Held:

Dates Employed: From:





Average Hours Produced Per 40 hr week:

Hourly Rate:

Reasons for leaving or wanting to leave:

Supervisor / Reference:

Supervisor / Reference Phone:

May we contact this employer:

2. Prior Employer



Position (s) Held:

Dates Employed: From:





Average Hours Produced per 40 hr. Week:

Hourly Rate:

Reasons for leaving:

Supervisor / Reference:

Supervisor / Reference Phone:

May we contact this employer:

3. Prior Employer



Position (s) Held:

Dates Employed: From:





Average Hours Produced per 40 hr. Week:

Hourly Rate:

Reasons for leaving:

Supervisor / Reference:

Supervisor / Reference Phone:

May we contact this employer:

4. Prior Employer



Position (s) Held:

Dates Employed: From:





Average Hours produced per 40 hr. week

Hourly Rate:

Reasons for leaving:

Supervisor / Reference:

Supervisor / Reference Phone:

May we contact this employer:

5. Prior Employer



Position (s) Held:

Dates Employed: From:





Average Hours produced per 40 hr. week

Hourly Rate:

Reasons for leaving:

Supervisor / Reference:

Supervisor / Reference Phone:

May we contact this employer:

Professional References

People we can call now that can professionally comment on your skills and ability.


How Known:

Phone Number:


How Known:

Phone Number:


How Known:

Phone Number:

Additional Comments: Please let us know:

  1. What you are looking for in a new employer.
  2. What you are not looking for.
  3. Employers/Individuals you will not work for.
  4. Employers/Individuals you have already talked to.
Resume info: If you have a resume please cut and paste the text in the comment box below. (copy the text from your word processor document, click inside the box below and paste) If this can not be done you can also fax it to us at (303) 904-0892, e-mail it to, or by regular mail to PO Box 2042, Littleton, CO 80161. Thank you!

Note: Do not hit enter! Please click on Submit or Reset when you have finished your input.














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AutoStaffNow - finding your ideal job is our goal!
AutoStaffNow, LLC | 866-STAFNOW (866-782-3669)
303-346-8681 | | Fax: 303-904-0892
AutoStaffNow, LLC • PO Box 2042 • Littleton, CO 80161
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AutoStaffNow Your full service automotive employment agency for automotive jobs in the denver colorado area AutoStaffNow Your full service automotive employment agency for automotive jobs in the denver colorado area AutoStaffNow Your full service automotive employment agency for automotive jobs in the denver colorado area